The media wants you to believe that marriage is a crapshoot - can it really last and are married people happy?
Let's look at the actual facts
- The actual divorce rate has never gotten close to 50%
- 72% of people today are still married to their first spouse.
- 28% who are not - a portion ended in widowhood not divorce
- Current divorce rate is probably close to 20% - 25% for first marriages and 31% of all marriages (first and subsequent)
- Most marriages are happy - 80%!
- Rate of Divorce in the church i snot the same as the rate among those who do not attend worship services. Divorce rate among church attendees falls roughly in the 25% - 50%
- Contrary to popular belief that the divorce rate is roughly 60% for second marriages and 73% for third marriages - the rate is around 36% for second marriages. Roughly 1/3 of all remarriages end in divorce
- The greatest spike in divorce in remarriages occurs within the first 5 years
- Most marriage problems are not caused by big ticket issues and simple changes make a big difference. Couples have misunderstandings, unintended hurts and try hard in the wrong areas. 97% - 99% of married people care about their spouse and want the best for them.
- But 82% of struggling couple, one partner is simply unaware of the other spouse's unhappiness. Since solving a lack of awareness is simpler than addressing major systematic issues such as addiction is the one reason why those who stick with tough marriages usually find themselves very happy five years latter.